Thursday, October 15, 2009

Information highway Watch Out!

Todays class was very informational - Ken did a great job of addressing some technological questions and concerns. I am looking forward to moving deeper into Web 2.0 and also experimenting with Web 3.0 - So much information and never enough time to absorb. I understand the importance of staying on top of all the social networking sites. The networking is endless - The most important thing that stuck out in today's class was the importance of selecting what information we want people to be privy too. Several classmates communicated their feelings about what age they felt children should have access to cell phones or internet access. Just to throw some food for thought in the conversation. I was surprised when my brother agreed to allow my neice to have a cell phone - his reasoning is similar to most parents in my community - either the child is from a single parent home and/or both parents dont get off work early enough to receive the child. So most latch key children let themselves into the house then notify their parents that they have arrived home successfully. As for the internet it has become a source of entertainment for most children - free games - homework assistance - and unfortunately imporper use (for some) - other childre who may be wheelchair bound or suffer from some form of disability the computer/ internet has become another opportuinty to communicate with their peers on a "even" level...just food for thought.... all comments are welcome..keep an open mind!

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